How to Set Up a Collab

In this Brkaway Brkdown we’ll walk you through how to set up a Collab to make this the smoothest, most organized engagement you’ve done to date.

Congrats, you’ve signed a Brand and are looking to get everything in order! In this Brkaway Brkdown we’ll walk you through how to set up a Collab to make this the smoothest and most organized engagement you’ve ever done!

Creating a Collab

To get started, head to your My Collabs tab. Once there, click Add Collab and enter the following information:

  1. The Brand Or Agency Name. Any brands or agencies you’ve previously worked with on Brkaway will be searchable. You can also add a new brand if you haven’t worked with them before.
  2. The Name of the Collab. It’s important to note that this name will be visible to anyone you share the Collab with.

After entering that information, your Collab will be created. Now it’s time to get everything in order!

Adding Deliverables

Once the Collab has been created, it's time to start adding Deliverables. To add a Deliverable, simply:

  1. Click "Add Deliverable"
  2. Name the Deliverable. This name will be searchable on your Dashboard, Content Board, and Calendar. (More details on that soon!)
  3. Add Due Dates for any Stages that you want to track. Note, for the Post Stage you are able to add a Posting Date and select the social platform (i.e. TikTok, IG, Youtube, etc.) that the content is scheduled to be posted on.

Customize your Deliverables effortlessly – add, duplicate, rename, or delete as many Deliverables as you’d like. As soon as one Deliverable is added, your Collab becomes active and you're on your way!

Adding Documents

Head to the Documents tab in your Collab to add any files you would like to share with your client. Some examples of files you can upload here are contracts, content guidelines, or anything you want to reference throughout your Collab. 

Note, anyone you share the Collab with will have access to these documents and be able to upload their own documents for you to reference.

Setting Pay

Head to the Invoices tab in your Collab to set the Pay and Currency. Once either are set, you’ll see them log under Activity. Then when you’re ready to invoice your client, you can head back to this tab and click “add invoice”.

Now that your Collab is built, it's time to share it with your client. Head to the "Sharing a Collab" article to get a walkthrough of how Brkaway makes sharing Collabs a breeze! 🌟