Using Assignees on Brkaway

In this Brkaway Brkdown we’ll run over Assignees and how you can use them to make sure you’re in the know for what you need to know.

As you and your colleagues start using Brkaway you may find yourself wanting to focus on the Collabs and Deliverables you're responsible for. If that's the case it’s time to talk Assignees. In this Brkaway Brkdown we’ll run over Assignees and how you can use them to make sure you’re in the know for what you need to know.

Where to find Assignees?

Assignees can be found on both the Deliverable and Collab level. There can be none, one or multiple Assignee per Deliverable or Collab. If you created or merged a Collab or Deliverable, by default you will be the Assignee. At any point brand users can add or remove Assigness from a Collab or Deliverable.

Pro Tip: Adding or removing yourself as an Assignee on the Collab level will be reflected on the Assignees of all associated Collab Deliverables.

What does it mean to be an Assignee?

Only Assignees will receive notifications for actions taken on a Collab or Deliverable. That means if the creator submits a deliverable for review, only the Assignees will be notified. If you are responsible for a given deliverable it’s important to make sure you’re an Assignee so you stay up to date with everything going on!

It’s important to note that non Assignees can still take actions on Collabs and Deliverables. They just won't be notified of any changes.

Filtering by Assignees

Assignees is a filter that you can leverage on both your Content Board and Calendar. Using the Assignee filter will allow you to hone in on Deliverables that only you’re responsible for in these two views.

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