Notifications & Settings

In this Brkaway Brkdown, we’ll walk you through everything you can do with your platform settings.

Your Brkaway settings allow you to personalize your Brkaway experience. In this Brkaway Brkdown, we’ll walk you through everything you can do with your platform settings.

Platform settings can be accessed by clicking your picture or initials found in the top right corner of every page. Once you select Settings you’ll be presented with a few different tabs:


In your profile, you can edit your name and contact information. You can also add a profile picture. Your profile picture will be displayed to your creators and colleagues anytime you leave a comment, send a message, or perform an action that triggers a notification.


On the password tab, you can set a new password. Note, if you have forgotten your current password you will only be able to change your password via the Forgot Password flow found on sign-in.


On your notifications tab, you can adjust your email preferences. By default, Brkaway will leave all email notifications on to make sure you aren’t missing anything. If at any point we become that annoying friend, feel free to adjust your notification preferences.

Billing and Subscriptions

If you are the admin of your Brkaway Account you will see the billing and subscription tab. Here you will find your current Brkaway plan as well as past invoices for your Brkaway subscription.

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